Oral & Dentist Alliance of American is a Purchasing Organization. We use the purchasing power of thousands of dentists and oral physicians nationwide to develop new products and negotiate discounts and preferred terms for products and services.

Join Oral & Dentist Alliance of America (ODAA)

Free Membership

ODAA offers free access to savings opportunities to private practices of all sizes and specialties nationwide.


ODAA offers preferred pricing and terms on a comprehensive portfolio of products and services covering key areas of practice operations.

Insider Access

Get full access to content, news, webinars, and meetups.

R&D Resources

Develop a new product with ODAA resources and a community to design and clinically test products and services.

Publish & Present

An a member you will have the opportunity to present clinical topics to large audiences, publish articles in wide distributing journals, and lead discussion and forums.

Our Members Come First